Easy to use Employee Tour and Training Management Software provides standard solution to manage complex and time consuming task of managing employee tour and training activities in simplified and easy mode. Now no need to prepare (roster) company employee tour and training requirements manually, just use cost efficient and easy to use tour and training management program and solve complicated task of managing these activities. Highly reliable and simple to operate software offers complete solution for small to large corporation while scheduling tour and training needs.
Software Features
➔ Schedule business organization tour and training needs in real time without extra efforts required.
➔ Maintains multiple company tour and training needs in simplified way.
➔ Generate useful and significant tour and training reports for better decision making.
➔ Software is password protected and prevents unauthorized users to access it.
➔ Generate tour pass for employees going for official tour stay.
➔ Generate training pass for staff going for company training visit..
➔ Advance data back facility in case of accidental data loss scenarios.
➔ Complete, secure and easy to use real time solution provider software with intuitive user interface.
➔ Save time and reduce errors while preparing tour and training time-table.