If you are looking for greeting cards to send your warm wishes to your dear ones, why buy costly greeting card when you can design most beautiful greeting card according to your choice. With amazing greeting card designer software, you can proficiently design personalized greeting cards in few countable easy steps. Greeting card designer software is specialist in crafting perfect greeting cards to gift your close friends, spouse and family relatives. Latest featured greeting card maker utility is designed and developed with creative and sophisticated card designing tools including Line, Ellipse, Pencil, Rectangle, Text, Picture, Arc, Triangle and Star objects to design premium quality greetings cards in few countable steps. Greeting card designer software is simple and fun way to make greeting card in diverse shapes and sizes including rectangle, ellipse and rounded rectangle as per your requirements. Specialized greeting card creator program is structured with adjustable font, color and image settings to give greeting card a presentable look.
Software Features
➔ Greeting card designer software is fully able to design customized greeting cards in few easy mouse clicks.
➔ You can add family photographs, images, and cute messages in greeting card for expressing your feelings and warmth.
➔ Smart greeting card designer software provides facility to create fresh greeting card or edit existing greeting card as per user requirements.
➔ You can design numerous greeting cards with different text values using advanced dataset series feature.
➔ Flexible printing settings will help you to print created greeting card.
➔ Advanced password settings allows user to set password during greeting card designing process.